Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Looked at Ant info and got a clean build

I looked at the list of main contributors and the mission statement (looked more like a charter to me).

I was having a hard time figuring out how to get Eclipse to generate a clean build of the code. After poking around, I found instructions for building Ant. They're real simple:

sh build.sh -Ddist.dir=<directory_to_contain_Ant_distribution> dist    (Unix)

I used
build.sh -Ddist.dir=dist dist

After this, I got what appeared to be a clean distribution in the dist directory. It seemed to build more than I checked out. Not sure why that would be.

I have not tried the Windows build yet.
build -Ddist.dir=<directory_to_contain_Ant_distribution> dist    (Windows)

1 comment:

  1. Did you manage to get Eclipse to open it? I couldn't build it from the command line (I downloaded from the main source directory), and when I opened it in Eclipse, I got many errors. I'm still working on it, just wanted to know if you'd gotten it smooth in an IDE.
