Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Smart Questions" Essay

The "Smart Questions" essay in my last post seems to really indicate that the OSS developers sometimes get overwhelmed by "stupid" questions by people who have not taken the time to try to answer their own questions through information published by the project or the sourcecode before posting to the group. I think this entire essay is fairly applicable to all software development, although a bit disheartening. The essay may or may not be accurate, but it sounds like OSS developers are not necessarily willing to take a newbie under his/her wing to mentor them in the process of fixing a bug for the project. It makes sense though, since many of the developers are doing this in their spare time.

1 comment:

  1. After glancing at this, I have to agree, it does not leave me with a high level of confidence that the open source community is a very welcoming place.
